Anti Bullying Policy
At Capricorn Performing Arts we are completely against bullying as it opposes the standards and ethos of Capricorn Performing Arts and the values by which we choose to portray ourselves. All members of Capricorn Performing Arts have a right to learn in an encouraging, secure and attentive environment. We all also have a responsibility to help create an inviolable and safe environment for others.
Capricorn Performing Arts actively promotes positive interpersonal relationships between all members of the company; Mea-Ellease Goodwin, Flo Rowntree, individuals and the wider community.
Our Principles:
Bullying is an act of hostility, causing awkwardness, pain or discomfort to someone. It is an abuse of power. It can also take a number of forms; physical, verbal, making gestures, extortion and exclusion.It can be organised, or it may be accidental . It may be performed by individuals or by groups.
Bullying could be recognised as:
Capricorn are committed to:
We expect all our participants to:
We ask parents to support their children who participate in Capricorn Performing Arts by:
Procedures for dealing with bullying behaviour:
Capricorn Performing Arts ensure that steps will be taken to support and answer to the needs of both bullied and bullying individuals. We will listen to them and act to best support them. Records will be kept on incident forms of all reports of or witness incidents of bullying.
Action which may be taken:
Capricorn Performing Arts has a virtuous and legal obligation to ensure that, when given authority for children, all staff, chaperones, parents/legal guardians and volunteers accept their responsibilities to safeguard children from harm and misuse.Ensuring that everybody following the course of action to protect children and announcement any concerns about their welfare to appropriate authorities. Mea-Ellease Goodwin and Flo Rowntree are fully qualified, DBS checked and insured.
There are three elements to our policy:-
The aim of the policy is to encourage good practice, giving children and young people with appropriate safety/protection whilst in the care of Capricorn Performing Arts and to allow Mea-Ellease Goodwin and Flo Rowntree to make informed and proactive responses to specific child protection issues.
Capricorn Performing Arts will therefore:-
Definitions of Child abuse and Neglect
A child or young person up to the age of 18 years can suffer abuse or neglect and require protection. · Physical Abuse - May involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning or suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates or induces illness in a child whom they are looking after.
Capricorn Performing Arts will adhere to the relevant legislation when working with children and young people under the age of 18 years as outlined in the following:
Intruder policy
We aim to keep the door locked during our classes within our facilities provided for classes. We may use community buildings so there will be other people using the halls. This will mean that other users of the building may be present during our classes. We will make sure that all individuals are signed in and out of class. Parents/ carers need to adhere to our code of conduct on dropping off and collecting younger individuals.
In the event of an intruder (someone who does not have permission to be in the building), Mea-Ellease Goodwin and Flo Rowntree need to assess whether this person poses a threat or just needs advice or redirection Mea-Ellease Goodwin and Flo Rowntree can identify themselves and ask their purpose to be on the premises. Depending on the situation, Mea-Ellease Goodwin and Flo Rowntree should make every effort to call the police. Do not attempt to restrain the intruder. Mea-Ellease Goodwin and Flo Rowntree should evacuate the children to safety, remaining calm and not to cause distress. In the case of needing to lock down external doors and internal doors to be locked where possible with windows and blinds closed.
Designated Safeguarding Leads -
Mea-Ellease Goodwin - 07803576918
Flo Rowntree - 07504831532
This policy sets out how we as participants of Capricorn Performing Arts will respect each other and collaborate for the benefit of each other and Capricorn Performing Arts as a whole. This policy applies to everyone who takes part in Capricorn Performing Arts including but not limited to the participants, parents of the participants (where children) and the teachers.
Capricorn Performing Arts is committed to the privacy and security of personal information that is collected about any individuals who participate including the parents of any children who take part. This privacy notice describes how we collect and store personal data, who we share personal data with and how it complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
It has been agreed that Flo Rowntree will be appointed as Data Protection Officer (DPO) and is therefore responsible for the safe storage of information processed by Capricorn Performing Arts. Capricorn Performing Arts is a data controller. This means we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about any individuals who participate including the parents of any children who take part. We are required under Data Protection Legislation to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice.
Capricorn Performing Arts comply with Data Protection Legislation. This means information stored must be:
Personal Data or personal information means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. We collect the following information from our participants:
How we use this information
Who we share this information with (Third Parties)
All third party service providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies. We do not allow our third party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
Data Retention
We will only retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for.
Individual Rights
All participants are entitled to the following rights under GDPR;
You have the right to review your personal data and request any of the above. If you wish to do so please contact the DPO as stated above. We reserve the right to update the privacy notice at any time and we will provide you with a new updated privacy notice.
Each participant at Capricorn Performing Arts is regarded as of equal importance and worth. This is irrespective of their race, gender, religion or disability. We are committed to promoting an environment where all individuals feel welcome and can achieve their full potential. We strive to celebrate diversity in all aspects and treat all students and staff with dignity and respect. We have a responsibility to comply with the Equality Act 2010.
No child, staff member, parent or volunteer will be discriminated by us on the grounds of
· Age
· Gender
· Race
· Disability
· Sexual Orientation
· Beliefs/ Religion
Our aim is to…
· Ensure that all participants/staff/volunteers of Capricorn Performing Arts recognise that discrimination is not acceptable. All participants are to be given equal opportunities in class and at performances.
· Provide a welcome environment where all participants feel safe to express themselves, input their ideas and ask questions.
· Use inclusive language at classes.
· Set aims and goals that are achievable for all participants.
· Not tolerate any bullying within Capricorn Performing Arts.
· Take any reports of discrimination and/or bullying seriously.
· Build positive relationships with all participants and parents/ carers of participants and provide opportunity communication with instructors about progress and any concerns.
This policy will seek to provide and motivate:
The policy will be kept up to date to ensure that our responsibilities are met in relation to: Health & Safety at Work Act (1974), Management Regulations (1999) and any other relevant current legislation.
Capricorn Performing Arts has the responsibility to make sure that:
Accidents and First Aid
All accidents should be recorded in the accident book. Treatment should be given only by a trained First Aider. Medication should not be offered to any participants/staff, this includes antiseptics or pills of any kind. If in doubt with any minor injury or illness phone 111 and parents/carers of participants should be informed. For any emergency call 999.
Safety Checks
Fire safety
Before any class/show make sure fire exits are clear and a meeting point is known to participants dancers and any instructors/staff. For the theatre- audience to follow stewards. Backstage staff/students to follow chaperones to meeting point. Headcount to take place. Chaperones will already have a list of students in their care. Make sure personal belongings are left and this is done quickly and efficiently.
All participants to be signed in on a register. This is the same for classes and any performance. Where the participant is a child, if they are allowed to walk home without a parent then there is a need for written consent from a parent/guardian. All instructors/staff must have a DBS check and must sign in.